In 1995, Mrs. Tith Davy while taking care of her son hospitalized in Battambang referral hospital, noted at that time difficulties faced by hospitalized children and poor people, especially children injured by landmine explosion, caused by poor treatment condition, insufficient diet, coming from newly get-out of internal armed conflict, and still in transitional period wherein economical situation remained in start-up condition.
Davy was shocked by the sad situation which forced her to try finding possible way for assistance to the poor people and injured children hospitalized in Battambang referral center. Fortunately she met Ms. Marie France Botte, a Belgium writer.
Coming to accomplish research of children problems in Cambodia. The frank and friendly discussion with the writer, in analyzing seriously social, economical and political factors of the period, came out with the idea of creating a local NGO, firstly named “Operations Enfants de Battambang” (OEB)
which took its birth date on June 1st
1996, supported by generous funds of
“Association of Maries France Bottles”. |
In the same period, Mr. François Pochon, a former French professor in charge of Physic courses for students of Lycee Preah Monivong, Battambang, returned to the province in the intention to see his surviving colleagues and former students for revealing good memories in the past, collecting living condition under KR and encouraging the survivors to continue living in a new renaissance. Among the former colleagues and students, Pochon found Mr. Meak Marin former secondary teacher in charge of Khmer literature and Mrs.Tith Davy, his former terminal class, and head of Partage’s project during the meeting time. Recognizing living conditions of the hospitalized people in Battambang, in term of former professor of physics in Lycee Preah Monivong, Mr. François Pochon accepted then offering a grant to support the idea and activities of Mrs. Tith Davy to improve the rights of the child. Later by official process, the Cambodian Ministry of Interior approved the creation by decision dated 14 March 1997.
With the starting funds supported by Association of Maries France Botte and Mr. Fraonçois Pochon, OEB started supplying Complementary food for hospitalized children caused by dengue fever, injured by landmines, HIV people in hospital. OEB collaborated with ICRC to have children rehabilitated. In the remote areas OEB organized village classes to open path for poor children to access to Education. School materials were distributed to children of landmine survivors. The sensitive campaign of reproductive health was also conducted combined with practical demonstration. OEB supported first medicines for primary health care for injured people by landmine with transportation fee during evacuation.
OEB started using from its beginning a majority of former educators, former medics and midwives, some of them coming from governmental organization in quality of taking unpaid leave or after retirement. The social staffs are people living permanently in their local area having clear ownership and commitment to the project. By force of internal harmony operating in areas facing difficulties to strengthen children rights, rights of persons with disabilities, under Unique Umbrella of Human Rights and Woman Rights, OEB always works in reinforcing and completing Cambodian National Strategic Plan, aiming at achieving common goal, basic right to access to good quality of education and to self-development with full enjoyment of equality of outcome. OEB step up to “Operations Enfants du Cambodge” (OEC) authorized by the Ministry of Interior, paper No 1564 SJN dated 5 December 2006.